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What are there to build a "home for lazy people" in the intelligent era?
2022-07-03 16:51:47

Back home, "Ge You Lie" is already the landmark action of this generation of young people coming home from work. Not willing to cook, not willing to clean, and not willing to wash dishes and pans, the young people in the new era seem to be "lazy". Twenty or thirty years ago, such behavior would inevitably attract the scolding of parents and the strange eyes of neighbors. However, in the era of intelligence, all kinds of lazybones began to replace people's hands.
Do not want to sweep the floor, there are sweeping robots; Do not want to wash dishes, there is a dishwasher; Don't want to pack garbage. There is an intelligent trash can. Intelligent products are entering the lives of young people, so that young people can continue to be "lazy". "Lazy economy" is infiltrating people's lives at an unprecedented speed, and the lazy artifact represented by smart home is gradually entering thousands of households.
But do you really think that "buy and buy" alone can create a "home for lazy people" in the intelligent era? The reality is far from that simple. An intelligent "home for the lazy" needs the cooperation and coordination of various smart home devices. At the same time, the home network is unblocked to support various operations of smart home.
To build a "home for lazy people", smooth network is the key!
How much equipment does it take to build a "home of lazy people"? IDC data show that intelligent lighting, security and automation equipment will grow rapidly. It is estimated that the shipment volume of China's intelligent lighting equipment market will exceed 100 million units in 2025, and the shipment volume of home safety monitoring equipment market will be close to 1 200 million units.
At present, the penetration rate of smart speakers, smart lights, smart door locks and smart cameras is relatively high in domestic households. Take Xiaohei as an example, there are two intelligent speakers in the home, which are used for voice control in the bedroom and living room respectively; Two intelligent cameras are used to grasp the situation at home in real time; 3 smart lights, which can be controlled by mobile phones or smart speakers; There is also a sweeping robot, a dishwasher, a microwave oven that can be remotely controlled, a smart refrigerator, a smart TV, and so on. A rough count shows that there are more than ten smart home devices.
In the process of daily use, smart home devices, together with mobile phones, computers, tablets and kindles, are connected to routers, and the network immediately becomes congested. Xiaoheijia has relatively few smart devices, and the current routers can still meet the demand. If you want to further build a "home for lazy people", then door and window sensors, curtain motors, smart door locks, smart doorbells and other equipment are essential. Considering the future demand of intelligent "Lazy Home", the router can meet at least more than 100 equipment networking.
In this way, the router must be upgraded to a router that supports WiFi 6. The network capacity of WiFi 6 protocol is eight times higher than that of the previous WiFi 5 protocol, and the network latency is reduced by up to 75%. WiFi 5 supports 256-QAM, WiFi 6 supports 1024-QAM, and the data throughput of a single spatial stream is increased by 25%.
In addition, the new OFDMA function of WiFi 6 supports channel subdivision to improve concurrency efficiency, especially for low bandwidth applications. What is a low bandwidth application? It refers to those devices that require little traffic and can be connected for a long time. Sweeping robots, smart speakers and smart refrigerators are all low bandwidth devices. The launch of WiFi 6 technology can be said to be a major benefit of intelligent "home for lazy people". To enjoy the convenience brought by intelligent devices, WiFi 6 routers are indispensable.
Of course, just having a router is not enough. Network speed is also important. Generally speaking, dozens of smart home devices need at least 500M to 1000M broadband, otherwise it is difficult to meet the demand. It is matched with wire, and Category 6 wire is standard, otherwise it is difficult to fully play the effect of large bandwidth.
Of course, kids can also choose gigabit optical fiber to enter the room. Taking China Telecom as an example, the FTTP all-optical WiFi network launched replaces all the traditional network cables with optical fibers, thus breaking through the limitations of the old family, and infiltrating gigabit optical fibers into every room without damage. In effect, gigabit optical fiber is far better than mesh networking and single router. If your partner is eager to build an intelligent "home for lazy people", gigabit optical fiber may be a perfect choice.
Gateway, the brain of the lazy man's home
Having a network that can carry many devices is only the first step of the intelligent "home for the lazy". The ideal "home for the lazy" is to operate all kinds of household appliances automatically without hands, such as automatically turning on the lights, automatically playing music on the speakers, automatically closing the curtains, automatically turning on the air conditioner, and so on. If you want to make the above scenario a reality, you need to use all kinds of sensors together. Door and window sensors, temperature and humidity sensors, smoke alarms, human body sensors, coupled with the gateway, can combine numerous intelligent scenarios.
After finishing the day's work, I opened the door and went home. Before I started to turn on the light, the hall light turned on automatically, and the touch-screen speaker made a pleasant voice: "Welcome home". Such scenes did not happen in the movie, but actually happened in the home of a "what is worth buying" netizen. The little friend who is good at tossing and turning bought a full set of smart home equipment, and filled the whole house. To some extent, his intelligent family is a model room of "home of lazy people", which can liberate human resources to the greatest extent.
Back to the subdivided scene, the reason why we can realize automatic lighting, welcome speech and other scenes is that the netizen has installed a human body sensor at the door and is connected to the hall lamp and touch screen speaker through the gateway. When the human body sensor senses the presence of someone, the hall lamp and touch screen speaker will immediately trigger the switch. Similarly, the temperature and humidity sensor can be connected with the air conditioner; The corridor human body sensor can be connected with the night light, making people feel warm and comfortable in every bit of life. Of course, the above devices cannot be separated from the participation of the gateway.
The gateway is divided into Bluetooth gateway and ZigBee gateway. Its main function is to connect devices with different protocols. WiFi connection is the basis of an intelligent "home for lazy people", otherwise we will not emphasize the role of network speed and router.
However, there are a large number of low-power devices in intelligent devices, which usually use ZigBee and low-power Bluetooth protocol. The role of gateway is to connect non-WiFi connected devices with WiFi connected devices and make them form a whole. Taking the introduction scenario above as an example, the human body sensor belongs to ZigBee protocol equipment, the hall lamp and the touch screen speaker belong to WiFi protocol equipment, and the existence of the gateway is the basis of their mutual cooperation.
Breaking the "isolated island", they are acting
The existence of gateway can integrate products with different protocols and become an indispensable part of a system. However, at present, smart home devices still have the problem of device islands. Various segmentation agreements have been issued between different brands, which leads to the difficulty of interconnection. For example, Xiaomi's human body sensor is difficult to link with Baidu's touchscreen speaker. The gap between them is greater than that between ZigBee protocol and WiFi protocol. Another example is that Xiaomi's smart speaker cannot control Haier's refrigerator or Hisense's TV. The reason is that the protocol is incompatible with the pot. So, is there any way to solve this problem? NFC technology may be an option.
As a kind of near-field communication technology, NFC has extremely high security and convenience. In life, we use NFC as electronic bus card and electronic key. Similarly, it can also be used to connect home appliances with smart devices. NFC has a strong short-range data transmission capability, and its read-write mode, point-to-point mode, and card simulation mode can start transmission in a short distance.
One example is the HarmonyOS refrigerator jointly developed by Midea and Huawei. Through the NFC function, the Zhilian refrigerator can be connected to the mobile phone by touch, and the freshness of the ingredients in the refrigerator can be controlled at any time. Similarly, through the NFC function of Huawei mobile phones, you can also control Midea sweeping robots, mobile phone washing and other devices. Through the simple NFC function, we can break the island and realize the interconnection between different brands and different protocols.
Of course, NFC can only solve some problems. There are hundreds of brands on the market. It is impossible for all brands to cooperate one-to-one. Therefore, building a "home for lazy people" requires a unified agreement to assist in implementation. Don't say, there is such an agreement. The Matter mentioned by Xiao Hei before is. It aims to reduce the restricted interoperability between ecosystems, and provide a common layer for the activities of equipment throughout its life cycle through the Internet link.
In short, all mobile devices communicate through Internet protocols. Although each brand has a specific operating system, it does not prevent Apple from sending messages to Huawei phones. The Matter protocol is the IP protocol in the field of the Internet of Things. Apple speakers and Huawei TV can also send messages and instructions without obstacles.
At present, the Matter agreement has been supported by mainstream domestic smart home manufacturers such as Apple, Amazon, Google, Xiaomi and Huawei. When its full version is launched, it will also be the time to open a new era of intelligent devices. At that time, countless people will start to buy and use intelligent devices to build their own "home for the lazy".
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