

How do I reset my device?
2022-07-03 14:22:53
  1. Reset smart light device
    After the lamp is turned off, switch the lamp according to the following steps: on - off - on - off - on (the switching time interval shall not exceed 10 seconds), and the lamp starts flashing to indicate that the reset is successful; If the light is not flashing, repeat the above steps;
    The light flashes fast (4 times in 1 second), indicating that it is in fast connection mode;
    The light flashes slowly (twice in 3 seconds), indicating that it is in hot spot mode;
    In quick-connect mode, after turning off the light, switch on the light according to the following steps: on - off - on - off - on (the switching time interval shall not exceed 10 seconds), the light starts to flash slowly, indicating that the hot spot mode has been switched at this time; vice versa.